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501 W. Glenoaks, #655
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Photography Exhibition After Mikiko Hara: Floating in the Moment

Khai Le

Mikiko Hara is one of four Japanese photographers who were featured in the exhibition In Focus: Tokyo that was held at the Getty Center August through December, 2014. Mikiko visited Los Angeles last fall to teach a master class hosted by the Getty Museum’s Education Department as part of a partnership program with local community colleges.

Photography students from College of the Canyons and Pierce College participated in the master class lead by Mikiko and had a unique opportunity to learn her artistic philosophy and distinctive “snapshot style”. This exhibition showcases the fruits of those students’ hard work inspired by Mikiko Hara.

Opening Night Reception: Friday, February 6, 7pm-9pm 

Light refreshments will be served.


Exhibition Hours:

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 12pm-7pm

Wednesdays & Fridays: 12pm-4pm

Saturdays (Feb.14 & 28): 12pm-4:30pm

*Closed on Mondays and Saturdays Feb. 7 & 21


JFLA Auditorium (5700 Wilshire Blvd. #100 Los Angeles, CA 90036)

Street parking is available near JFLA. Click Here for Parking Info


Admission: Free

No reservation required

Co-organized by:
College of the Canyons, Pierce College

Supported by:
The J. Paul Getty Museum