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501 W. Glenoaks, #655
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Changes to the Monthly Clip Contest

Khai Le

View clip contests results here

Last year we moved to a new system for the monthly clip contest where our professional members could vote on the best photos of the month. A website was setup where members could login and cast votes on images submitted that month. Based on member feedback we have decided to move back to the traditional judging system for 2017 entries. 

The difficultly in the past was finding a group of judges able to have the time to meet and review contest entries. To help with this, the current voting website will be used to allow judges to view and vote on photos remotely. We will also be facilitating services like Google Hangouts to allow judges from different locations to conference together.

The board has been on the search for judges interested in voting if you know of anyone interested in voting please forward on their names and we will get in contact.